15.03.2023 | For over two years now the Platone Open Framework as an open-source software package is supported by the Linux Foundation Energy (LFE) as the SOGNO project.
With this valuable collaboration the fundament of the work done in our Platone project benefits from a software development community with a great chance of creating an international impact.The SOGNO platform was developed in a project funded under Horizon 2020 with the name SOGNO - which is Italian for dream - as a service-based open-source grid automation platform for network operations. This platform is the key component of the DSO Technical Platform in the Platone project. Pursuing the work on the SOGNO platform in an international context, consortium partner RWTH Aachen initiated the creation of a new project called SOGNO within the LFE. In November 2020 SOGNO was accepted as a project in the LFE as reference architecture for grid automation of the future, which have brought Platone to a world-wide audience. The selection of Platone project coordinator Prof. Antonello Monti from RWTH as chair of the Technical Activity Council of LFE shows the key role of SOGNO as well in the LFE. In May 2022 the SOGNO platform received the innovation-award of the German federal state of North Rhine Westphalia.
At the LF Energy Summit 2023 in Paris, France and virtually, on Thursday, June 1 - Friday, June 2, 2023, Platone will present the DSO Technical Platform and the work in SOGNO in the session "An open framework for Distribution Grid Automation”. The presentation will be prepared in cooperation with areti and Google Italy incorporating the first experiences in the practical application of the solution.

Further information
LF Energy project SOGNO
Visit the official website of the projectLF Energy Summit 2023
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