06.05.2021 | Under the leadership of areti, Platone has since April 2020 led the BRIDGE Action 7 to provide an update to the next Harmonised Electricity Market Role Model.
The Harmonised Electricity Market Role Model (HEMRM) is a reference document for the European electricity sector which is updated periodically by ENTSO-E ebIX and EFET. The BRIDGE HEMRM built on the work done in state-of-the-art H2020 projects dealing with the roles of traditional and new market participants and their interactions in a secure, flexible, and decarbonized energy system.
The contributing projects count CoordiNet, INTERRFACE, EuSysFlex, GOFLEX, FEVER and Platone, who were asked to elaborate on the difference between the ENTSO-E, ebIX and EFET HEMRM and the electricity market model applied in the projects with respect to flexibility markets and data management. The differential analysis gave birth to 9 new roles, as well as extensions of the existing roles, all of which has been reviewed by the BRIDGE working groups on data management and regulation.
The European Commission has welcomed the work coordinated by areti and Platone and entrusted Platone to invite the four DSO associations, E.DSO, CEDEC, GEODE and Eurelectric together with the representative of the TSOs, ENTSO-E, to discuss the next HEMRM update on this basis.
The work coordinated by Platone and areti under BRIDGE, is an important step input for the shaping of the future electricity market. The activity furthermore shows how BRIDGE can contribute to the debate beyond the topic of innovation, and bears witness to the Commissions commitment to extracting the lessons learned from the European R&I activities.

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