26.04.2021 | How do you answer the challenge of your call? That was the question of the 1st interproject workshop with all eight projects attending that are funded under the H2020 call on "Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid" (ES-1-2019).

In this interactive session, 75 representatives of all eight projects ebalance-plus, EUniversal, FEVER, FLEXIGRID.eu, FLEXIGRID.org, PARITY, Platone, and X-FLEX joined.

To bring the participants up to date each project got the chance to shortly present their approach. The presentations were followed by breakout sessions where the participants discussed key topics for their projects such as data management and data economy, regulatory obstacles to innovation, KPI’s, customer engagement and the role of DSOs in battery storage.

Beneath the eight European projects that were funded under the ES-1-2019 call, the Canadian Platone partner of the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) was also joining the event, presented how they solve the challenges of the call and participated in the breakout sessions. 

Interesting input and discussions emerged. Further interproject exchange will follow!

Successful first interproject workshop