Platone midterm conference "Growing the energy transition" on 14 and 15 September 2021 - boosting knowledge sharing and expertise for the energy transition.

The Platone midterm conference "Growing the energy transition" on 14 and 15 September 2021 was a great success. Above 180 participants joined the virtual conference and contributed to vivid discussions in our breakout sessions.

With speakers from ACER, smartwires, Alliander, dcbel, and NET2GRID we contributed to boost knowledge sharing and to help growing the European energy transition.


On Day 1 (14 September, 13.30 CEST) of the conference we discussed the future of flexibility and digitalisation. After a short input from our speakers we created dialogue that enabled an active discussion between the participants, our speakers and our Platone project. Starting from 15.30 CEST the GO LIVE event of the Italian Platone demonstration followed as an absolute highlight of the midterm conference.


On Day 2 (15 September, 09.15 CEST) strategies for consumer & citizen engagement and LECS in the energy transition were focussed. Again inspiring input from our speakers was provided and the chance to discuss and exchange views and approaches was successfully taken. From 10.45 CEST the German and Greek Platone demonstrations gained insights into their unique local activities and set-ups.



DAY 1: 14 September 2021

Future of flexibility and digitalisation


Moderation: Prof. Antonello Monti, RWTH Aachen

DAY 2: 15 September 2021

Strategies for consumer & citizen engagement and LECS in the energy transition



Moderation: Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult

13:30 CEST

Opening & Introduction

09:15 CEST

Opening & Introduction

13:45 - 14:15

Trigger Talks I

Jan Kostevc, Team leader - Energy Infrastructure, ACER

Ercole de Luca, Head of Electrical System Development, areti

Susanne Nies, General Manager Germany, smartwires

09:30 - 10:00

Trigger Talks II

Laurent Schmitt, Head of Utilities and European Developments, dcbel

Dimitrios I. Doukas, CIO and Country Manager Greece, NET2GRID

Paul de Wit, Senior Advisor Regulatory Affairs, Alliander

14:15 - 15:00

Breakout session with the speakers

10:00 - 10:45

Breakout session with the speakers

15:00 - 15:15

Wrap-Up and Conclusion

10:45 - 11:00

Coffee Break

15:15 - 15:30

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:00

The German and Greek Platone Demonstration - Presentation and Q&A

Go Live Italian Demonstration

12:00- 12:15

Wrap-Up and Conclusion

15:30 - 15:45


Introduction by Massimo Bonato, aretiĀ“s CEO

15:45 - 16:45

The flexibility data journey

Demonstration video of the implemented Platone Italian flexibility market

16:45 - 17:55

Flexibility talk

CEOs of Platone partners and Italian institutions debate about the flexibility future in Italy

17:55 - 18:00

Conclusion and final greetings


Growing the energy transition - The Platone midterm conference

Tue, 14.9.2021, 13:30 Uhr
Online conference
Organizer: Platone consortium